The board 2023
Chairwoman - Aino-Maria Koivuniemi
Co- operates with the board, especially with the vice chairman. Prepares agendas for the board meetings with the vice chairman. Is the leader of the meetings and assigns tasks for the other members of the board according to their "job" description. Co- operates with all the chairmen of the other boards on our campus with academic affairs, events and also attends communal meetings with the other chairmen. Presents a plan for the upcoming term in the annual autumn meeting and reviews the past terms action report in the annual spring meeting. Reports the board members of important upcoming matters and takes everyone's opinions into consideration when making decisions.
Vice chairman - Santeri Lilja
Acts as the chairman's right hand. Is responsible for the board meetings if the chairman is unable to attend.
Secretary- Lotta Järvenpää
Writes down things discussed in the board meetings and makes official records of them. Is in charge of the records and signing them with the chairman and the protocol inspectors. Shares the records with the chairman and the rest of the board members. Makes protocol summaries of the meetings.
Treasurer - Mikko Peltonen
Is in charge of the bookkeeping and paying the bills. Takes the cash to the bank if needed, drafts a budget for the annual autumn meeting and makes an economic calculation for the annual spring meeting.
Head of member and e- mail lists - Lotta Järvenpää
Sends and distributes e-mails to the members of Lastopet ry. Registers new members in the member register.
Head of social affairs - Erika Mäkitalo
Is in charge of equality and that everybody has an equal right to participate in everything. They're the person you can talk to about bullying and harrasment situations.
Head of academic affairs - Senja Laakso
Is in charge of the members' academic affairs. Co- operates a lot with the rest of the board. Collects feedback on the courses, practises and things concerning the academic year and conveys those to the upper body. Is a part of organizing a feedback session during spring time where our education and the contents of some particular courses are discussed. Organizes additional courses like the children's emergency and first aid course.
Head of co- operation - Jade Wiren
Are the contacts when working with businesses (i.a. Pikku Norssi). They plan courses and other possible co- operations together with bussinesses. They also share job advertisementsand other materials to the members of Lastopet ry.
Head(s) of events and traditions - Aliisa Kulta & Oona Kiviniemi
Organize events and activities to the students on campus (e.g. Mauttomat, the Lastopet "get to know one another" night and the Amazing VakoVaellus).
Head(s) of social media and informing - Hilja Viertola & Aliisa Kätkytniemi
Are in charge of Lastopet's social media pages and designing the outlook of events and posting them on Facebook and Instagram. Distributing posts and texts about education and the working life e.g. on Facebook. They design and order the Lastopet poster with pictures of all the members of the board and their job descriptions.
Head of equality - Anni Koskiniemi
Is responsible for equality in events (non- alcoholic events and options, peoples different needs). Makes sure there is equality in events, school and within the board and that there is no discrimination. Helps with resolving bullying situations.
Head of internationality - Hilja Viertola
Is the contact for the BA students alongside their tutors. Helps with translating the social media posts. Translates the Lastopet Ry website.
Alternate members -
Alternate members are the helping hands of the board.
Contact us
Join the board?
You can apply to be a member of the board in the annual autumn meeting. To apply for the board, you must be a registered member of Lastopet ry.
The board consists of a chairman and ten other people that have applied. If there are more than 11 applicants there will be a voting. If there's a tie there will be a raffle.
The annual autumn and spring meetings
The annual autumn meeting will be held by the end of November. The meeting is an open event to which anyone can participate. In the autumn meeting the plan and the budget for the upcoming term will be presented. The amount of the membership fee will be discussed among other issues that may arise. The financial auditors and their substitutes for the current term will be selected. The new board for the upcoming term will also be selected. Any registered member of Lastopet ry can apply for the board. The board consists of a chairman and ten other people that have applied.
If there are more than 11 applicants there will be a voting. If there's
a tie there will be a raffle.
The annual spring meeting will be held by the end of April. The meeting is an open event to which anyone can participate. The things done in the annual spring meeting: approving the action report from the past term, approving the financial statements and the auditor's report and granting of the discharge of accounts and liability. Other possible issues that may arise will be discussed.